Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Sculpture Center Reaction

            This week we visited the queens sculpture center located in Long Island City. It had very different display, nothing out of this world. I was very surprise on most of the displays. This place reminded me of buildings under construction. The materials used do not look expensive. The artist was creative and is different from most artists out there. Bill Bollinger’s work is displayed all over this sculpture center. His work also was combined with different surroundings to change the way someone views the art.
            There was a barrel filled with dirty water. It was under some stairs and everything around it made it look old. It was placed with limited light. Like it was abandoned there for a long time. It was displayed as “untitled”. I also noticed it had rust and looked like it has not been moved or touched in a while.
            Another display that saw was two wheelbarrows with water. It looked like they were use to transport water. It also looked like they were been used in a construction site. It reminded me when I worked on construction and used it to transport water or concrete.
            Another display was the “Boston Common”. It was basically 7 steel barrels with a big rubber hose on top of the barrels. It was in a corner, which had a lot of light.  It looked like it was just left there.
            In conclusion, with basic common materials he made a unique display. The artist displays his artwork on different backgrounds changing the way viewers see the display.  I guess trying to understand what he was trying to show was different. But, I would have never guessed simple materials would be the entire display. This sculpture center just reminded me of a site under construction that was never finished. Bill Bollinger had his own vision on the display he wanted to demonstrate. 
 "Untitled" 1970
Steel barrel, Water

 "Boston Common" 1970 (2012)
Steel barrels, rubber hoses, water

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